United Machinery Technology (OMT)

Our partners

In order to improve quality of manufactured equipment, meet clients’ requirements and maximisecustomer satisfaction OMT has wide cooperation with leading manufacturers of mining equipment and components.


Manufacture of washing equipment.


Undertakes design, manufacturing and installation of conveyor belts for over 50 years. Knowledge, experience and quality of production make SEMPERTRANS one of the world leading companies in the area.


One of the largest world manufacturers of gearboxes with an annual turnover over 1 billion euros..

Halbach & braun

Halbach und Braun - manufacturerof face chain conveyors.

ЗАО "Сбербанк Лизинг"

Provides leasing services in the Russian Federation market since 1993 and is one of market leaders.


Manufactures electric motors (including special), electromagneticseparators and other electric machines and devices.

Bartec Group

One of leading world suppliers of innovative safety technologies.
